Mosquito yard control methods include bothnatural and chemical treatment. Homeowners, who are aware of pros and cons of non-organic insecticides, tend to apply eco-friendlybio-pesticides, which are less hazardous to pets, humans and plants.To mix homemade mosquito yard spray is a cheap and effectivewayto get rid of mosquitoes around home.
The active ingredients in natural mosquitospray for yard diy can be extracted oils and vegetables, such as garlic and onion. Homemadepest control productskill mosquitoes on contact and createan invisible barrier that these annoying insectswon’t penetrate for a week up to three months.
Application of homemade mosquito yard spray isas good as professional yard treatments. Though, due to that mosquito outdoorproductsdiydon’t contain anypreservatives, they have a shorter “shelf life” to compare with professional pest control methods. Homemade backyard spraysshouldbe applied regularly during the mosquito season.
DIYmosquito spray for yard, garden and camping
Biological mosquitocontrol is the best way to keepmosquitoes away. In fact,mosquitoes avoidthe scent that tomato tops, garlic, onion, and flowers of geranium, citronella grass,catmint and catnip, lavender, clove, mint, spearmint, lemon grassgive off.You can use the essential oils and vegetables mentioned above for spray mixing diy with essential oils. This natural treatmentis less toxicto pets, plants and kids than chemical pesticides . Outdoor organic anti-mosquito spray acts as a biological barrier, thatdetersblood-feeding insects, prevents their bites and control mosquito infestation and attacks.
Paul Harvey diy recipe: Homemade mosquito yard spray
This recipe of Paul Harvey has been used for about 20 years by the most homeowners in the USA. It really works. Homemade mosquito yardspray is intended foroutdoor application and keeps mosquitoes away for about 2-3 months. Not only mosquitoes, but also other bugs and insects keep off the yard and stay away from home as well. It is amazing, they just avoid areas treated with the stuff. Moreover, it has a nice mint smell, that doesn’t deter humans. Just mix and spray, than enjoy sitting on the air at night withoutmosquitoes’ annoying sounds and attacks.
Ingredients that you need for diy mosquito spray for yard:
1 bottle of blue mint mouthwash (you can buy any big bottle of mouthwash you like, no matter how cheap it is. For example, “Equate Blue Mint Mouthrinse”)
3 bottles (per 12 oz) of stale beer (take the cheapest – it works as well)
3 cups of Epsom salt
How to prepare homemade spray against mosquitoes
Pour beer and mouthwash into a container (an old saucepan, a bucket), stir and add the salt. Mix up the stuff properly until salt is dissolved. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Shake well before use.
Application directions of Paul Harvey anti mosquito spray
Spray your backyard areas where you sit or spend lots of time outside: on decks, in patios and in alcoves around benches, on and around front porches, around pools, ponds and fountains. If you are camping out, spray directly on the lawn grass, around and on the tents. The stuff won’t do any harm to children, pets, flowers and vegetable plants. Do not allow anybody in the treated area until the spray isdried out. Homemade mosquito repellentwipes out blood-sucking insects from sprayed areas for about 60-80 days. In tropics and subtropics, where mosquito season is longer, it is required to spraytwice a summer.
Old sturbridge village recipe: DIY mosquito lawn repellentspray
This anti mosquito spray for yards, lawns and gardens has been used for ages. You are likely to have heard about this stuff from your granny. This spray is applied outdoors tokeep mosquitoes offfor aboutamonth.
Ingredients for homemade mosquito yard spray:
1gallon of water
1 onion
How to mix ingredients formosquito repellent spray
Chop onion and putinto a container (an old saucepan, a bucket), top with a gallon of water, stir the mixture and cover. Leavethe stuff under the sun or in a warm place for 3-5 days. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Shake well before use.
Application of mosquito onion spray diy
Spray the infused mixture over grass, plants and flowers, around benches, on and around front porches, around pools in your yardand lawnswhere you like to stay.This spray is eco-friendly and non-toxic, it is safeto plants, pets and children. Homemade onion sprayrepellent against mosquitoes outdoors keepblood-sucking insects off from treatedareas for about a month.The only drawback of onion mosquitospray is itssmell.
Old granny recipe: Garlic mosquitospray for lawn and yard
Homemade mosquito yard spray with garlicis an old recipe that has been used for ages. Ihave heard about this repellantfrom mygranny. This spray is applied outdoors in lawns, yards and gardens tokeep mosquitoes offfor about three hours – a week. Though, it has three drawbacks: the garlic disgusting smell, regular reapplication and high toxicity to cats.
Ingredients for DIY garlicmosquito spray for yards:
1gallon of water
3garlic bulbs
For additional strength of spray use a modified recipe:
1 gallon of water
2 garlic bulbs
2 hot peppers (jalapeños or habaneros)
2 tbsp. of vegetable oil
How to mix ingredients for backyard mosquito repellent spray:
Break bulbs of garlic into cloves. Peel them offand place in a blender, fill with water so it is 1/2to 2/3full. Blendthe mixture for aminute. Strain the chunks of garlic out and put them aside. Thenplace the strained garlic stuffinto a container (a 1 – gallon jug) and pourwater until the jug is full. The prepared mixture is a concentrate. Keep the stuffin a cool, dry place (in arefrigerator). Use only diluted! 1/4 cup of concentrate per 1 gallon of water.
Application of homemade garlic mosquito spray
Pour the 1/4 cup of mixture into a spray bottle and add 1 gallon of water. Shake well before use. For whole-yard treatment, you can fill a garden sprayer with the diluted solution as well. Spray the areas where you want to wipe out mosquitoes: over lawn grass, plants and flowers, around benches, on and around front porches in your yard. Pay attention to areas with standing water, where mosquitoes breed and congregate. This spray is eco-friendly and non-toxic, it is safeto plants, dogs and children. Pay attention that garlic is toxic to cats! Homemade garlic – pepperoutdoor repellant against mosquitoesshows maximum protectionfor about 2-6 hours.
Homemade mosquito yard spray from essential oils
As it has been mentioned above,mosquitoes avoidthe scent that is given off by plants such as basil, geranium, citronella grass,catmint and catnip, lavender, clove, mint, spearmint, lemon grass and eucalyptus. The smell of oils, that are extracted from these flowers,detersblood-feeding insects, protects fromtheir bites and control mosquito attacks. Fororganic mosquito control you can use outdoor mosquito repellent spray diy with essential oils. This natural treatmentis safe to pets, animals, plants and children.
Easy recipe of organic mosquito spray for backyards
For naturalmosquito repellent treatmentyou can use a homemade spray with essential oil of lavender (or any other oil that is mosquito repellant). Itis safe to pets, vegetable plants, pregnant women and children. Organic anti mosquito spray acts as a biological barrier and keeps blood-feeding females away to prevent vector-borne bites and control mosquito infestation.
Products for easy mixing of mosquito spray for yard:
For 2 oz mixed solution take
1/4 cup of squeezed lemon juice
4 tbsp. vanilla extract
20 drops of lavender oil
Instead, you can use extracted oils of citronella, geranium, patchouli and others, that aretaken in the followingmixing ratio:
5 drops Citronella Oil + 5 drops Lemon Eucalyptus + 5 drops Lavender Oil+5 drops Patchouli Oil
10 drops Lavender Oil+ 10drops Citronella Oil (or 10 drops Lemon Eucalyptus oil)
10 drops Catmint/ Spearmint /Mint Oil + 10 drops Patchouli Oil
10drops Lavender Oil + 5 Cedar Wood Oil+5 drops Geranium Oil
5 drops Citronella Oil + 5 drops Geranium Oil+ 5 drops Lavender Oil + 5 drops Patchouli Oil
How to mix ingredients formosquito repellant
Pour squeezed lemon juice, vanilla extract and 20 drops of natural oil (lavender, citronella, geranium, catmint, eucalyptus)into a container (a bowl), stir and mix up the ingredients properly. Add the mixture to a 2-oz spray bottle and fill the water to full. Shake well before use.
How to apply homemade natural mosquito spray
Spray the areas where you want to get rid ofmosquitoes: around benches, on and around front porches in your yard,over lawn grass, plants and flowers. Pay attention to areas with excess and stillwater, asmosquitoes breed and congregate there. This spray is eco-friendly and non-toxic to plants, dogs and children.
You can find more information about essential oils for mosquito repellent recipes here.